Team Collaboration
With a teams account you can invite other members of your team to collaborate with you on your safety plans.
Being a collaborator means that:
- The plan will appear on your Projects screen
- You can edit, add and delete all sections of the plan
- You can produce an export of the plan.
Inviting Collaborators
Team accounts allow you to share access to safety plans so you can collaborate on them with other members of your team. You can choose who you’d like to invite to work on your plan via the collaboration button.
On the collaboration screen you can select which members of your team you want to collaborate with on the plan.
The plan owner or a Team Admin can remove collaborators at any point without affecting any work they may have contributed to the plan.
Team Access
Please note that whilst collaborators have complete access to plans, the rest of the team will also have access to the plans to duplicate safety plan sections, risk assessments and supporting documents.