Template Risk Assessments
Event Safety Plan has a number of template risk assessments that are designed to guide you through the process of writing risk assessments for a number of common event scenarios. They can also be created by your team admin bespoke for your organisation. They include example control measures that you can choose to include in your risk assessment if they are appropriate to your situation.
A template needs to be ‘completed’ by the user to ensure that it’s relevant to their project. Once a template has been completed it’s copied into your project as a standard risk assessment that you can edit and duplicate out as normal.
Adding template risk assessments to your project
To add templates to your project select the Template assessment option from the New Risk Assessment tool.
This adds a template risk assessment to your project. Unlike a normal risk assessment, a template has to be completed before it can be included with in your exported plan.
A template risk assessment has a red border around it to indicate that it needs to be completed.
Completing template risk assessments
To complete the template, click on it as you would a normal risk assessment. This will open up the risk assessment editor which you step through in the same manner as normal. After each stage you need to click ‘Save and Continue’ at the bottom of the page to move to the next step.
You can not navigate via the step by step indicator like you can on a normal assessment.
Step 1 – Basic information
Complete this section as you would a normal risk assessment. The only difference is that the activity and the hazard are not editable. When you’ve finished click save and continue.
Step 2 – Initial risk rating
You need to assess the risk for your project in the normal way on the basis of your unique situation. When you’ve finished click save and continue.
Step 3 – Control measures
Each template has a set of control measures that might be applicable to your situation. Select the control measures that you intend to apply to eliminate or reduce the hazard at your event. After you’ve finished selecting from the list use the box below to add in any additional control measures that are required.
Fill in the rest of the information as you would a normal risk assessment and then click save and continue.
Step 4 – Final risk rating
You now need to assess the final risk rating as you would a normal risk assessment. Click Save and Finish to complete the template and import the risk assessment into your project.
Team Templates
For support on creating and managing Team Templates see this article.